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I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of the Basque Country. I am based at the School of Engineering in Bilbao.

This website shows a brief synopsis of my research, a summary of my professional experience and ways to contact me. Webgune hau euskeraz hemen ikusi daiteke.

My contact e-mail: unai.lopez -at-


My main research area is parallel and distributed computing, with focus on the following topics:

I am a member of the Networking, Quality and Security (NQaS) research group and an affiliated member of the Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Center (CFAA).

A list of publications is available in Google Scholar and DBLP.


I currently teach the following modules of the BSc in Computing and Information Systems:

I have also taught the following modules in the past:

Work Experience


Contact and Social Media

My institutional web page with information about office hours is available in Basque and Spanish.

Address: Despacho P3i17, Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao - Edificio II, 48013 Bilbao (Spain).

You can find me in social networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Mastodon or ResearchGate.

I have a SlideShare profile with slides of my presentations/talks and a GitHub profile with some software projects, including this webpage.